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Chief Clinical Director of Docrates Cancer Center: “Genetic information is an essential part of modern cancer care”

4.9.2024 Categories: Articles
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New forms of treatment based on molecular diagnostics enable more and more patients to completely recover from cancer, and make it possible to treat metastatic cancer as a chronic disease in the future. The acquisition between Mehiläinen and Docrates Cancer Center was completed on 2 September 2024, and the development of cancer treatments now continues as a collaboration.

The number of cancer diagnoses is increasing in Finland. According to statistics from the Finnish Cancer Registry, more than 35,000 new cancers are diagnosed annually in Finland. Researchers predict that 46,000 new cancers will be diagnosed in Finland in 2035.

– While the number of cancer diagnoses is increasing, more and more people will survive and recover from cancer, thanks to advanced cancer diagnostics and new treatments. In the future, metastatic cancer can increasingly be treated as a chronic disease, says Juha Kononen, Chief Clinical Director at Docrates Mehiläinen Cancer Center.

Molecular diagnostics challenges the traditional approach to cancer treatment. To determine the best possible individual treatment, it is necessary to know everything there is to know about the patient’s tumor: where the tumor has spread and what kind of gene profile it has.

– New diagnostic methods add more value particularly to the treatment of rarer types of cancer which are more difficult to treat and for which conventional treatments have not been effective, says Kononen.

Research on cancers is progressing rapidly. In addition to molecular diagnostics, new treatment methods are becoming more common, such as radionuclide therapy as treatment for prostate cancer and pre-surgical pharmacotherapy as treatment for breast cancer.

The share of cancer treatments selected based on molecular diagnostics is increasing rapidly. At Docrates, for example, molecular diagnostics already helps one in three patients choose their treatment.

– This year, we are opening our molecular pathology laboratory, which will further expand the molecular diagnostics of cancerous tumors and our service selection, while speeding up the availability of test results. In this way, we want to ensure that our customers receive more personalised medical treatments even more quickly and efficiently, says Kononen.

Acquisition between Mehiläinen and Docrates Cancer Center completed — strong development of cancer treatments continues

The acquisition between Mehiläinen and Docrates Cancer Center was completed on 2 September 2024. The operations will continue internationally under the name Docrates Cancer Center.

– As a private cancer hospital, Docrates is a pioneer in Europe and the only one of its kind in the Nordic countries. We are excited to continue developing Docrates’ operations. Together with Docrates, we’re on a lifelong mission, says Johanna Asklöf, Business Unit Director at Mehiläinen.

– With the acquisition, we have excellent opportunities to develop cancer diagnostics and treatments for an even wider group of customers, both in Finland and internationally. We will continue our strong research activities and cancer treatments based on the latest research. We are happy to know that our high-quality diagnostics services and efficient treatment path will now become more widely known and available to customers, says Ilpo Tolonen, who will continue as Director of Docrates Cancer Center.

For further information, please contact:

Mehiläinen, Business Unit Director, Johanna Asklöf, Mehiläinen. Contact via Laura Martinsuo at Mehiläinen Communications: tel. +358 40 1962 892,

Docrates Cancer Center, director, Ilpo Tolonen, +358 50 500 1880,

Mehiläinen Group  is a well-known and highly valued private provider of social and health care services, offering comprehensive high-quality services in Finland and internationally. The 114-year-old Mehiläinen is a rapidly developing and growing leader in the industry. The company invests in the opportunities of digitalisation and the effectiveness and quality of care in all its business areas. Mehiläinen serves 2.1 million customers annually, and services are produced at 840 locations by more than 37,000 employees and private practitioners. Internationally, Mehiläinen provides healthcare services in Sweden, Germany, and Estonia, as well as digital healthcare software solutions through its subsidiary BeeHealthy. www.mehilä

Docrates Cancer Center is an international private cancer hospital in Helsinki and part of Mehiläinen Group. Docrates provides personalised services for cancer patients throughout their treatment path, from diagnostics to post-treatment follow-up. After diagnosis and imaging, treatment can be planned and initiated without delay. This unique concept attracts patients from all over the world. Together with Docrates network of leading clinical experts, the cancer hospital provides genuinely personalised state-of-the-art cancer treatment.


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  • Individual care. You have your own care team - your doctor and your nurse.
  • Front line cancer treatment. Latest medical technology combined with proven expertise in cancer care.
  • Experience in treating international patients from over 60 countries. Multilingual personnel.
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