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Subscribe to our newsletter — Latest topics in cancer treatment and research to consumers and professionals

29.7.2024 Categories: Articles | News
Cancer is a rapidly evolving medical specialty. Docrates publishes the latest news about cancer treatment, diagnostics and research a number of times a year. Depending on your interests, you can subscribe either to the newsletter aimed at consumers or the one aimed at professionals.

The newsletter for consumers is published in Finnish and English

As a newsletter subscriber, you will learn about the latest cancer treatment methods in use at Docrates, our ongoing drug trials and the latest trends in the field of diagnostics. You will also get to know Docrates’ professionals and their specialties.

The newsletter aimed at professionals discusses recent developments

Cancer treatment is a seamless collaboration between professionals from a variety of fields, always for the benefit of cancer patients. In our newsletter aimed at professionals, you can get a glimpse of the everyday life of a cancer hospital by getting to know experienced professionals working at Docrates in different fields and hear about the latest forms of cancer treatment and diagnostics. The newsletter also includes messages from our experts as they attend cancer treatment congresses and training sessions around the world.

The newsletter for professionals is published in Finnish and English.

Our communications team is also constantly looking for new topics to write about in our newsletter. You can suggest topics and give us feedback at


Subscribe our newsletter here

Read the stories of our cancer patients

Hannu Nurmio: Aiming for a normal everyday life

When rock musician Hannu "Tuomari" Nurmio, 73, learned that his PSA values were elevated, he decided to go for an...

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“It feels wonderful to not have cancer anymore”

Pirjo, 75, has had breast cancer twice. She credits both her spouse Timo and the professionals at Docrates for the...

The story of a breast cancer patient: You have to focus on the good things, even if the world keeps spinning

It is December, and the first long year of the pandemic is nearing its end. A couple is sitting in...

Cancer diagnosis did not stop Mika Piltz: “I’m grateful that quality of life can be improved with the right treatment methods”

Getting diagnosed with prostate cancer turned the world of Mika Piltz, 54, upside down in 2021. His calendar was filled...

Why come to Docrates Cancer Center?

  • Top cancer experts and effective treatments without delay.
  • Individual care. You have your own care team - your doctor and your nurse.
  • Front line cancer treatment. Latest medical technology combined with proven expertise in cancer care.
  • Experience in treating international patients from over 60 countries. Multilingual personnel.
+358 10 773 2010

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Mon-Thu 8:00-18:00, Fri 8:00-16:00